Coronet of a baron - link to home page United Kingdom peerage creations 1801 to 2025: a list compiled by David Beamish

Hereditary peerages with special limitations in remainder

The colour code used on this page is shown in the List of administrations.

Hereditary peerages normally descend, on the death of the grantee, to "the heirs male of his [her] body lawfully begotten". This list incorporates all hereditary peerages of the United Kingdom containing a different provision. Such provisions are of three main kinds: (1) The inclusion of alternative recipients (typically daughters or collateral relatives) in the event of there being no male issue. (2) The restriction of descent to issue by a named wife or husband of the grantee. (3) Where a peerage is conferred on the heir apparent to the Throne, "To hold to him and his heirs Kings of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas for ever". In practice such a peerage "merges in the Crown" and the special remainder is of no practical significance.

In the list below, details of special remainders are quoted where they are available in the online archive of the London Gazette, together with hyperlinks to the relevant pages (updated April 2014 to link to the new Gazette website). Details of some 19th-century special remainders have been taken from the House of Lords Journals (in which the text of letters patent are normally given for introductions after 1850). Summaries are given of the special remainders in other cases (using the abbreviation "& h m of b" for "and the heirs male of his/her body lawfully begotten").

Eleven of the peerages of Ireland created after 1800 had special remainders. These are noted in the list of such peerages on this website.

21 April 1801 (P)E. of Rosslyn in the County of MidLothian – Alexander Wedderburn (1st L. Loughborough) (died 3 Jan 1805) (special remainder to h m of b of Lady Janet Erskine deceased, sister to the said Alexander Lord Loughborough and widow of Sir Henry Erskine of Alva Baronet deceased) (Gazette 14 April 1801)
27 April 1801 (X)V. St Vincent of Meaford in the County of Stafford – John Jervis (1st E. of St Vincent) (died 13 March 1823) (special remainder to (1) William Henry Ricketts Esquire Captain in Our Navy & h m of b; (2) Edward Jervis Ricketts Esquire barrister at law brother of the said William Henry Ricketts and the sons of Mary Ricketts by William Henry Ricketts Esquire late of the Island of Jamaica and sister to the said John Earl of St Vincent & h m of b); (3) Mary Countess of Northesk daughter of the said Mary Ricketts & h m of b) (Gazette 18 April 1801)
28 May 1801 (H)B. Abercromby of Aboukir and of Tullibody in the County of Clackmannan – Mary Anne Abercromby (died 11 Feb 1821, extinct(5) 7 Oct 1924) (special remainder to h m of b by her late husband Lieutenant General Sir Ralph Abercromby KB) (Gazette 19 May 1801)
26 June 1801 (P)E. of Wilton of Wilton Castle in the County of Hereford (& V. Grey de Wilton) – Thomas Grey Egerton (1st L. Grey de Wilton) (died 23 Sep 1814) (special remainder to Thomas Grosvenor Esquire, 2nd son of the Rt Hon Robert Grosvenor (commonly called Viscount Belgrave) by Eleanor his wife daughter of the said Lord Grey de Wilton, & h m of b; and in default to Robert Grosvenor Esquire, 3rd son of the said Robert Grosvenor ... and in default to the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and every other son and sons of the said Eleanor by her present or any future husband) (Gazette 13 June 1801)
18 Aug 1801 (X)L. Nelson of the Nile and of Hilborough in the County of Norfolk – Horatio Nelson (1st V. Nelson) (died 21 Oct 1805) (special remainder to Edmund Nelson, Clerk, Rector of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, father of Horatio Viscount Nelson, & h m of b, and in default to the & h m of b of Susanna wife of Thomas Bolton Esquire and sister of Horatio Viscount Nelson, and in default to the h m of b of Catherine wife of George Matcham Esquire, another sister of Horatio Viscount Nelson) (Gazette 1 Aug 1801)
1 April 1802 (X)L. Rivers of Sudeley Castle in the County of Gloucester – George Pitt (1st L. Rivers) (died 7 May 1803, extinct(6) 31 March 1880) (special remainder to (1) Rt Hon General Sir William Augustus Pitt (brother) & h m of b; (2) William Horace Beckford (son of Peter Beckford of Stapleton in the county of Dorset by Louisa Beckford his late wife deceased, daughter of the said George Lord Rivers) & h m of b) (Gazette 13 March 1802)
19 June 1802 (H)B. Sandys of Ombersley in the County of Worcester – Mary Hill (Mss of Downshire) (died 1 Aug 1836) ("and from and immediately after the Decease of the said Mary Marchioness of Downshire ... unto Our trusty and well-beloved Arthur Moyses William Hill (commonly called Lord Arthur Moyses William Hill), second son of the said Arthur late Marquess of Downshire, deceased, by the said Mary his Wife, and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such Issue to Our trusty and well-beloved Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill (commonly called Lord Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill), third son of the said Arthur late Marquess of Downshire by the said Mary his Wife, and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such Issue to Our trusty and well-beloved Arthur Augustus Edwin Hill (commonly called Lord Arthur Augustus Edwin Hill), fourth son of the said Arthur late Marquess of Downshire by the said Mary his Wife, and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such Issue to Our trusty and well-beloved George Augusta Hill (commonly called Lord George Augusta Hill), fifth son of the said Arthur late Marquess of Downshire by the said Mary his Wife, and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such Issue to Our right trusty and entirely beloved Cousin Arthur Blundell Sandys Trumbull Marquess of Downshire, eldest son of the said Arthur late Marquess of Downshire by the said Mary his Wife, and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (181 LJ p 456) (Gazette 12 June 1802)
17 Sep 1803 (X)L. Keith of Banheath in the County of Dumbarton – George Keith Elphinstone (1st L. Keith) (died 10 March 1823, extinct(2) 11 Nov 1867) (special remainder to Margaret Mercer Elphinstone, only daughter of the said George Keith Lord Keith & h m of b) (Gazette 6 Sep 1803)
1 May 1805 (H)L. Barham of Barham Court and Teston in the County of Kent – Charles Middleton (died 17 June 1813) (special remainder to his only daughter, Diana Noel wife of Gerard Noel Noel of Exton Park in the County of Rutland Esquire, & h m of b) (Gazette 23 April 1805)
20 Nov 1805 (P)E. Nelson of Trafalgar and of Merton in the County of Surrey (& V. Merton of Trafalgar and of Merton in the County of Surrey) – William Nelson (2nd L. Nelson) (died 28 Feb 1835) (special remainder to h m of b of (1) Susanna wife of Thomas Bolton Esquire and (2) Catharine wife of George Matcham Esquire (both sisters of late Horatio Viscount Nelson)) (Gazette 5 Nov 1805)
3 Feb 1809 (H:S)L. Hopetoun of Hopetoun in the County of Linlithgow – James Hope (3rd E. of Hopetoun (S)) (died 29 May 1816) (special remainder to h m of b of his late father John Earl of Hopetoun) (Gazette 24 Jan 1809)
28 Nov 1815 (P)E. of Saint Germans in the County of Cornwall – John Eliot (2nd L. Eliot) (died 17 Nov 1823) (special remainder to his brother William Eliot Esquire & h m of b) (Gazette 7 Oct 1815)
16 Jan 1816 (X)L. Hill of Almaraz and of Hawkstone and Hardwicke in the County of Salop – Rowland Hill (1st L. Hill) (died 10 Dec 1842) (special remainder to h m of b of his late brother John Hill of Hawkstone in the county of Salop) (Gazette 30 Jan 1816)
25 Oct 1816 (P)C. De Grey of Wrest in the County of Bedford – Amabell Hume-Campbell (B. Lucas) (died 4 May 1833, extinct(4) 22 Sep 1923) (special remainder to her sister Mary Jemima dowager Baroness Grantham & h m of b) (Gazette 14 Sep 1816)
14 July 1821 (H:I)V. Hutchinson of Knocklofty in the County of Tipperary – Richard Hely-Hutchinson (1st E. of Donoughmore (I)) (died 22 Aug 1825) (special remainder to h m of b of Christian Baroness Donoughmore deceased (his mother) by John Hely Hutchinson Esquire deceased (his father)) (Gazette 14 July 1821)
17 July 1821 (H:I)L. Ormonde of Lanthony in the County of Monmouth – James Wandesford Butler (19th E. of Ormonde and Ossory (I)) (died 18 May 1838, extinct(7) 25 Oct 1997) (special remainder to his brother Charles Haward Butler Clarke & h m of b) (Gazette 14 July 1821)
18 July 1821 (H)B. Rayleigh of Terling Place in the County of Essex – Charlotte Mary Gertrude Strutt (died 1 Sep 1836) (special remainder to h m of b by her husband Joseph Holden Strutt) (Gazette 14 July 1821)
4 Feb 1822 (subsidiary to P)E. Temple of Stowe in the County of Buckingham) (subsidiary to title of D. of Buckingham and Chandos (& M. of Chandos) with usual remainder, extinct(3) 26 March 1889) – Richard Nugent-Temple-Grenville (2nd M. of Buckingham) (died 17 Jan 1839) (special remainder to h m of b of Hester, sometime Countess Temple, deceased, great-grandmother of the said Richard Marquess of Buckingham, & in default to Anne Eliza Brydges-Chandos-Temple-Grenville, only daughter of Richard Plantagenet Brydges-Chandos-Temple-Grenville Esquire, called Earl Temple, only son of the said Richard Marquess of Buckingham, & h m of b, & in default to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th & every other daughter of the said Richard Plantagenet Brydges-Chandos-Temple-Grenville & h m of b) (Gazette 12 Jan 1822 (earldom and special remainder not mentioned))
8 July 1823 (X)E. Vane (& V. Seaham of Seaham in the County Palatine of Durham) – Charles William Vane (3rd M. of Londonderry (I)) (died 6 March 1854) (special remainder to h m of b by his present wife Frances Ann) (Gazette 29 March 1823)
22 Jan 1828 (H)Vss Canning of Kilbrahan in the County of Kilkenny – Joan Canning (died 15 March 1837, extinct(2) 17 June 1862) (special remainder to h m of b by late husband George Canning) (Gazette 18 Jan 1828)
4 June 1831 (H)E. of Munster ( V. FitzClarence & L. Tewkesbury) – George FitzClarence (died 20 March 1842, extinct(7) 30 Dec 2000) (special remainder to his brothers (1) the King's 2nd natural son Frederick FitzClarence Esquire & h m of b; (2) 3rd natural son Adolphus FitzClarence Esquire & h m of b; (3) 4th natural son Augustus FitzClarence) (Gazette 13 May 1831 (special remainder not mentioned))
22 Jan 1836 (H)B. Stratheden of Cupar in the County of Fife – Mary Elizabeth Campbell (died 25 March 1860) ("unto the heirs male of the body of the said Dame Mary Elizabeth Campbell lawfully begotten and to be begotten by the said Sir John Campbell") (92 LJ p 247) (Gazette 19 Jan 1836)
13 Feb 1837 (H:I)L. Charlemont of Charlemont in the County of Armagh – Francis William Caulfeild (2nd E. of Charlemont (I)) (died 26 Dec 1863, extinct(2) 12 Jan 1892) ("and in default of such Issue to Our trusty and well-beloved Henry Caulfeild of Hackley in Our said County of Armagh (Brother of the said Francis William Earl of Charlemont), and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (96 LJ p 7) (Gazette 3 Feb 1837)
16 Aug 1841 (H:S)L. Oxenfoord of Cousland in the County of Edinburgh – John Dalrymple (8th E. of Stair (S)) (died 10 Jan 1853) (special remainder to his brother North Dalrymple Esquire & h m of b) (Gazette 13 Aug 1841)
8 Dec 1841 (P)P. of Wales (& E. of Chester) – Albert Edward (D. of Cornwall) (merged in Crown 22 Jan 1901) ("Unto him and his Heirs, Kings of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland") (LJ 5 Feb 1863)
27 Sep 1842 (P)V. Hill of Hawkstone and of Hardwick in the County of Salop – Rowland Hill (1st L. Hill) (died 10 Dec 1842) (special remainder to Sir Rowland Hill Baronet (nephew of the said Rowland Lord Hill) & h m of b) (Gazette 6 Sep 1842)
17 Jan 1850 (X)E. of Dublin – Edward (Prince of Wales) (merged in Crown 22 Jan 1901) ("to hold unto him and his heirs Kings of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for ever") (C231/16)
5 April 1851 (X)L. de Freyne of Coolavin in the County of Sligo – Arthur French (1st L. de Freyne) (died 29 Sep 1856) ("and in default of such issue to Our trusty and well-beloved John French Clerk (Brother of the said Arthur Baron de Freyne) and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such issue to Our trusty and well-beloved Charles French Esquire (Brother of the said Arthur Baron de Freyne) and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such issue to Our trusty and well-beloved Fitzstephen French Esquire (Brother of the said Arthur Baron de Freyne) and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (89 LJ p 21) (Gazette 7 March 1851)
22 March 1860 (X)L. Brougham and Vaux of Brougham in the County of Westmorland and of Highhead Castle in the County of Cumberland – Henry Brougham (1st L. Brougham and Vaux) (died 7 May 1868) ("and in default of such issue to Our trusty and well-beloved William Brougham Esquire (Brother of the said Henry Baron Brougham and Vaux) and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (100 LJ p 328) (Gazette 16 March 1860)
1 Sep 1860 (X)L. Kinnaird of Rossie in the County of Perth – George William Fox Kinnaird (9th L. Kinnaird (S)) (died 7 Jan 1878, extinct(5) 27 Feb 1997) ("and in default of such issue to Our trusty and well-beloved Arthur Fitzgerald Kinnaird (brother of the said George William Fox Baron Kinnaird) and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (110 LJ p 18) (Gazette 24 Aug 1860)
21 Oct 1861 (H)C. of Cromartie (& B. Castlehaven of Castlehaven in the County of Cromartie & Vss Tarbat of Tarbat in the County of Cromartie & B. Macleod of Castle Leod in the County of Cromartie) – Anne Hay-Mackenzie Sutherland-Leveson-Gower (Dss of Sutherland) (died 25 Nov 1888) ("and after the decease of the said Anne Duchess of Sutherland ... unto our trusty and well-beloved Francis Sutherland-Leveson-Gower (commonly called Lord Francis Sutherland-Leveson-Gower) the second surviving son of the said Anne Duchess of Sutherland, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and, in default of such issue, to each of the other younger sons of the said Anne Duchess of Sutherland, by her present or any future husband hereafter to be begotten, and to the heirs male of the body and respective bodies of such sons severally and successively, one after another, as they shall be according to seniority of age and priority of birth, the elder of such sons and the heirs male of his body always to be preferred and take before the younger of such sons and the heirs male of his and their respective body and bodies, and, in default of such issue, ... unto the said Francis Sutherland-Leveson-Gower (commonly called Lord Francis Sutherland-Leveson-Gower) and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and, in default of such issue, to each of the other younger sons of the said Anne Duchess of Sutherland, by her present or any future husband hereafter to be begotten, and to the heirs of the body and respective bodies of such sons severally and successively, one after another, as they shall be according to seniority of age and priority of birth, the elder of such sons and the heirs of his body always to be preferred and take before the younger of such sons and the heirs of his and their respective body and bodies, and, in default of such issue, to our trusty and well-beloved Florence Sutherland-Leveson-Gower (commonly called Lady Florence Sutherland-Leveson-Gower), daughter of the said Anne Duchess of Sutherland, and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such issue to each of the other daughters of the said Anne Duchess of Sutherland, by her present or any future husband hereafter to be begotten, and to the heirs of the body and respective bodies of such daughters severally and successively one after another as they shall be according to seniority of age and priority of birth, the elder of such daughters and the heirs of her body always to be preferred and take before the younger of such daughters and the heirs of her and their respective body and bodies") (same remainder for all four titles) (121 LJ p 74) (Gazette 18 Oct 1861)
27 April 1864 (H)B. Buckhurst of Buckhurst in the County of Sussex – Elizabeth Sackville West (C. De La Warr) (died 1 Jan 1870) ("and after the decease of the said Elizabeth Countess De La Warr, to have and to hold the name, state, degree, style, dignity, title, and honor of Baron Buckhurst of Buckhurst in Our county of Sussex; unto our trusty and well-beloved Reginald Windsor Sackville West, now second surviving son of the said Elizabeth Countess De La Warr, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such issue to the third surviving son of the said Elizabeth Countess De La Warr by her said husband George John Earl De La Warr, and the heirs male of the body of such third surviving son lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such issue to the fourth surviving son of the said Elizabeth Countess De La Warr by her said husband George John Earl De La Warr, and the heirs male of the body of such fourth surviving son lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such issue to the fifth surviving son of the said Elizabeth Countess De La Warr by her said husband George John Earl De La Warr, and the heirs male of the body of such fifth surviving son lawfully begotten and to be begotten ... if the said Reginald Windsor Sackville West, or any other person taking under these Our Letters Patent shall succeed to the earldom of De La Warr; and there shall upon or at any time after the occurrence of such event be any other younger son or any heir male of the body of any such other son, then and so often as the same shall happen the succession to the honors and dignities hereby created shall devolve upon the son of the said Elizabeth Countess De La Warr, or the heir who would be next entitled to succeed to the said dignity of Baron Buckhurst, if the person so succeeding to the Earldom of De La Warr was dead without issue male") (102 LJ p 6) (Gazette 26 April 1864)
14 Jan 1876 (H)L. Harlech of Harlech in the County of Merioneth – John Ralph Ormsby-Gore (died 15 June 1876) ("and in default of such issue to our trusty and well beloved William Richard Ormsby-Gore, Esquire, (brother of the said John Ralph Ormsby-Gore) and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (108 LJ p 5) (Gazette 11 Jan 1876)
15 Jan 1876 (P)E. of Wharncliffe in the West Riding of the County of York (& V. Carlton of Carlton in the West Riding of the County of York) – Edward Montagu Stuart Granville Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie (3rd L. Wharncliffe) (died 13 May 1899) ("and in default of such issue to Our trusty and well-beloved Francis Dudley Stuart Wortley, Esquire, brother to the said Edward Montagu Stuart Granville Baron Wharncliffe, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (same remainder for both titles) (108 LJ p 15) (Gazette 11 Jan 1876)
2 Oct 1876 (H)L. Sackville of Knole in the County of Kent – Mortimer Sackville-West (died 1 Oct 1888) ("and in default of such issue to our trusty and well-beloved Lionel Sackville Sackville-West, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Lionel Sackville Sackville-West, brother of the said Mortimer Sackville West, commonly called the honourable Mortimer Sackville West, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such issue to our trusty and well-beloved William Edward Sackville West, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable William Edward Sackville West, brother of the said Mortimer Sackville West, commonly called the honourable Mortimer Sackville West, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (109 LJ p 7) (Gazette 26 Sep 1876)
17 April 1880 (H:I)L. Shute of Beckett in the County of Berks – George William Barrington (7th V. Barrington (I)) (died 7 Nov 1886, extinct(5) 6 April 1990) ("and in default of such issue to Our trusty and well-beloved Percy Barrington, Esquire, commonly called the Honourable Percy Barrington, brother of the said George William Viscount Barrington and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (112 LJ p 129) (Gazette 16 April 1880)
23 April 1880 (H)B. Bolsover of Bolsover Castle in the County of Derby – Augusta Mary Elizabeth Cavendish-Bentinck (died 7 Aug 1893, extinct(5) 30 July 1990) ("unto the heirs male of the body of her late husband the said Arthur Cavendish-Bentinck") (Gazette 23 April 1880)
28 Sep 1885 (P)V. Wolseley of Wolseley in the County of Stafford – Garnet Joseph Wolseley (1st L. Wolseley) (died 25 March 1913, extinct(2) 24 Dec 1936) ("and in default of such issue ... to Our trusty and well-beloved Frances Garnet Wolseley, Spinster, only daughter of the said Garnet Joseph Baron Wolseley, and ... the heirs male of the body of the said Frances Garnet Wolseley lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (118 LJ p 10) (Gazette 25 Sep 1885)
18 Nov 1885 (H)L. Deramore of Belvoir in the County of Down – Thomas Bateson (died 1 Dec 1890, extinct(6) 20 Aug 2006) ("and in default of such issue to our trusty and well-beloved George William Bateson-de-Yarburgh, Esquire (brother of the said Sir Thomas Bateson), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (118 LJ p 9) (Gazette 17 Nov 1885)
17 Feb 1886 (H)L. Grimthorpe of Grimthorpe in the East Riding of the County of York – Edmund Beckett (died 29 April 1905) ("and in default of such issue to the heirs male of the body of his father Sir Edmund Beckett, Baronet, deceased, lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (118 LJ p 53) (Gazette 16 Feb 1886)
27 Oct 1888 (H)L. Savile of Rufford in the County of Nottingham – John Savile (died 28 Nov 1896) ("and in default of such issue to Our trusty and well-beloved John Savile Lumley, Esquire, only son of Frederick Savile Lumley, Clerk, Rector of Bilsthorpe, in Our County of Nottingham, deceased, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (120 LJ p 420) (Gazette 26 Oct 1888)
11 Nov 1891 (H)Vss Hambleden of Hambleden in the County of Buckingham – Emily Smith (died 13 Aug 1913) ("unto the heirs male of the body of the said Emily Smith by the said William Henry Smith lawfully begotten") (146 LJ p 31) (Gazette 10 Nov 1891)
24 Aug 1892 (H)L. Blythswood of Blythswood in the County of Renfrew – Archibald Campbell Campbell (died 8 July 1908, extinct(7) 14 Sep 1940) ("and in default of such issue to our trust and well-beloved Sholto Douglas Campbell Douglas, of Douglas Support, in Our county of Lanark, Clerk (brother of the said Sir Archibald Campbell Campbell), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten; and in default of such issue to Barrington Bulkley Douglas Campbell, Esquire, Colonel in Our Scots Guards (brother of the said Sir Archibald Campbell Campbell), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten; and in default of such issue to Walter James Douglas Campbell, of Innis Chonain, in Our county of Argyll, Esquire (brother of the said Sir Archibald Campbell Campbell), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten; and in default of such issue to Montagu Douglas Campbell, Esquire, Captain and Honorary Major 4th Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (brother of the said Sir Archibald Campbell Campbell), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten; and in default of such issue to Robert Douglas Campbell, Esquire (brother of the said Sir Archibald Campbell Campbell), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (125 LJ p 196) (Gazette 23 Sep 1892)
26 Aug 1892 (H)L. Amherst of Hackney in the County of London – William Amhurst Tyssen Amherst (died 16 Jan 1909) ("and in default of such issue ... to Mary Rothes Margaret Cecil, wife of William Cecil, commonly called Lord William Cecil, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Fourth Battalion of the Lincolnshire Regiment (eldest daughter of the said William Amhurst Tyssen Amherst), and [the heirs male of her body]") (125 LJ p 12) (Gazette 23 Sep 1892)
29 Nov 1897 (X)L. Burton of Burton-on-Trent and of Rangemore both in the County of Stafford – Michael Arthur Bass (1st L. Burton) (died 1 Feb 1909) ("and in default of such issue ... to Nellie Lisa Baillie, wife of James Evan Bruce Baillie of Dockfour in our County of Inverness Esquire, only daughter of the said Michael Arthur Baron Burton [and the heirs male of her body]") (195 LJ p 445) (Gazette 30 November 1897)
16 Oct 1899 (X)D. of Fife (& E. of Macduff in the County of Banff) – Alexander William George Duff (1st D. of Fife) (died 29 Jan 1912) ("With remainder to the heirs male of his body by his marriage with Her Royal Highness Princess Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar of Wales. With remainder in default of such issue to their elder daughter, Alexandra Victoria Alberta Edwina Louise Duff, commonly called Lady Alexandra Victoria Alberta Edwina Louise Duff, ... and after her decease with remainder to her heirs male ... With the like remainder in default of such issue of the said Alexandra Victoria Alberta Edwina Louise Duff, to Maud Alexandra Victoria Georgina Bertha Duff, younger daughter of the said Alexander William George, Duke of Fife, and of Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar of Wales, Duchess of Fife, and to her heirs male. And in default of such issue to each of the after born daughters of the said Alexander William George, Duke of Fife, by his present wife, Her said Royal Highness Princess Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar of Wales, Duchess of Fife, and the heirs male of the body and respective bodies of such daughters severally and successively one after another as they shall be in seniority of age and priority of birth") (Gazette 24 April 1900)
26 June 1900 (X)L. Strathcona and Mount Royal of Mount Royal in the Province of Quebec and Dominion of Canada and of Glencoe in the County of Argyll – Donald Alexander Smith (1st L. Strathcona and Mount Royal) (died 21 Jan 1914) ("and in default of such issue male ... to Margaret Charlotte, wife of Robert Jared Bliss Howard, of Queen Anne-street, Cavendish-square in the parish of Saint Marylebone in the county of London, Esquire, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., only daughter of the said Donald Alexander, Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal; and after her decease ... to the heirs male lawfully begotten of the body of the said Margaret Charlotte Howard") (Gazette 26 June 1900)
11 Feb 1901 (P)E. Roberts of Kandahar in Afghanistan and Pretoria in the Transvaal Colony, and of the City of Waterford (& V. St Pierre) – Frederick Sleigh Roberts (1st L. Roberts of Kandahar) (died 14 Nov 1914, extinct(3) 21 Feb 1955) ("And in default of male issue with remainder to his elder daughter, the Honourable Aileen Mary Roberts, Spinster, ...; and after her decease to the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten, ... With the like remainder in default of such issue of the said Aileen Mary Roberts to the Honourable Ada Edwina Stewart Roberts, Spinster, younger daughter of the said Baron Roberts, and the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten : With the like remainder in default of such issue to every other younger daughter lawfully begotten of the said Baron Roberts, successively in order of seniority of age and priority of birth, and to the heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten") (Gazette 12 Feb 1901)
9 Nov 1901 (P)P. of Wales (& E. of Chester) – George Frederick Ernest Albert (D. of Cornwall and York) (merged in Crown 6 May 1910) (Gazette 9 Nov 1901)
11 July 1902 (P)V. Kitchener of Khartoum and of the Vaal in the Colony of Transvaal, and of Aspall in the County of Suffolk – Horatio Herbert Kitchener (1st L. Kitchener of Khartoum) (died 5 June 1916, extinct(3) 16 Dec 2011) ("and in default of such issue with remainder to the first daughter of the said Horatio Herbert, Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, lawfully begotten, ... and after her decease with remainder to the heirs male of her body, lawfully begotten, ... and in default of such issue with remainder to the second, third, fourth, and every other daughter of the said Horatio Herbert, Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, lawfully begotten, and the heirs male of the body and respective bodies of such daughters severally and successively one after another as they shall be in seniority of age and priority of birth, and in default of such issue with remainder to Henry Elliott Chevallier Kitchener, Esquire, Colonel in the Army, brother of the said Horatio Herbert, Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, with remainder to the heirs male of his body, lawfully begotten, and in default of such issue with remainder to Frederick Walter Kitchener, Esquire, Major-General in the Army, another brother of the aforesaid Horatio Herbert, Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, with remainder to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten") (Gazette 29 July 1902)
23 June 1910 (P)P. of Wales – Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David (D. of Cornwall) (merged in Crown 20 Jan 1936) ("To hold to him and his heirs Kings of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas for ever") (Gazette 23 June 1910)
2 Nov 1911 (H:I)V. Scarsdale of Scarsdale in the County of Derby (subsidiary to title of E. Curzon of Kedleston in the County of Derby, with usual remainder) – George Nathaniel Curzon (1st L. Curzon of Kedleston (I)) (died 20 March 1925) ("with remainder in default of male issue to his father, Alfred Nathaniel Holden, Baron Scarsdale, of the county of Derby, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten") (Gazette 3 Nov 1911)
2 Nov 1911 (H:I)L. Ravensdale of Ravensdale in the County of Derby (subsidiary to title of E. Curzon of Kedleston in the County of Derby, with usual remainder) – George Nathaniel Curzon (1st L. Curzon of Kedleston (I)) (died 20 March 1925) ("with remainder in default of male issue to his eldest daughter, the Honourable Mary Irene Curzon, spinster, ... and after her decease to the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten ... With the like remainder in default of such issue of the said Mary Irene Curzon to the Honourable Cynthia Blanche Curzon, spinster, second daughter of the said George Nathaniel, Baron Curzon of Kedleston, ... and after her decease to the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten ... With the like remainder in default of such issue of the said Cynthia Blanche Curzon to the Honourable Alexandra Naldera Curzon, third daughter of the said George Nathaniel, Baron Curzon of Kedleston, ... and after her decease to the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten ... With the like remainder in default of such issue to every other younger daughter lawfully begotten of the said George Nathaniel, Baron Curzon of Kedleston, successively, in order of seniority of age and priority of birth, and to the heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten") (Gazette 3 Nov 1911)
27 July 1914 (P)E. Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome in the County of Kent (& V. Broome of Broome in the County of Kent & L. Denton of Denton in the County of Kent) – Horatio Herbert Kitchener (1st V. Kitchener of Khartoum) (died 5 June 1916, extinct(3) 16 Dec 2011) ("with remainder in default of such issue to his first, second, third, fourth and every other daughter lawfully begotten, and to the heirs male of the body and respective bodies of such daughters severally and successively one after another as they shall be in seniority of age and priority of birth, and in default of such issue and after the death of every such daughter to Henry Elliott Chevallier Kitchener, Esquire, Colonel on the retired list of the Army, a brother of the said Horatio Herbert, Viscount Kitchener of Khartoum, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten, and in default of such issue and after the decease of the said Henry Elliott Chevallier Kitchener to the heirs male of the body lawfully begotten of Sir Frederick Walter Kitchener, K.C.B., late Lieutenant-General in the Army, deceased, another brother of the said Horatio Herbert, Viscount Kitchener of Khartoum") (Gazette 28 July 1914)
15 Jan 1918 (H)V. Jellicoe of Scapa in the County of Orkney – John Rushworth Jellicoe (died 20 Nov 1935) ("with remainder in default of such issue to his eldest daughter Gwendoline Lucy Constance Rushworth ... and after her decease to the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten ...; with the like remainder in default of such issue to every other daughter lawfully begotten ... successively in order of seniority of age and priority of birth and to the heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten") (Gazette 8 March 1918)
19 June 1918 (P)V. Rhondda of Llanwern in the County of Monmouth – David Alfred Thomas (1st L. Rhondda) (died 3 July 1918, extinct(2) 20 July 1958) ("with remainder in default of such issue to his only daughter Margaret Haig, wife of Sir Humphrey Mackworth, Baronet, ... and the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten") (Gazette 25 June 1918)
7 Oct 1919 (H)V. Allenby of Megiddo and of Felixstowe in the County of Suffolk – Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby (died 14 May 1936) ("with remainder in default of such issue male to Captain Frederick Claude Hynman Allenby, C.B.E., R.N. (Ret.) (brother of the said Sir Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten") (Gazette 21 Oct 1919)
5 May 1922 (H)E. of Balfour (& V. Traprain of Whittingehame in the County of Haddington) – Arthur James Balfour (died 19 March 1930) ("with remainder in default of such issue to the Right Honourable Gerald William Balfour (a brother of the said Sir Arthur James Balfour) and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten; with remainder to Francis Cecil Campbell Balfour, Esquire, Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, who has received the decoration of the Military Cross (a nephew of the said Sir Arthur James Balfour), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten; with remainder to Oswald Herbert Campbell Balfour, Esquire (another nephew of the said Sir Arthur James Balfour), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten") (Gazette 5 May 1922)
17 Sep 1945 (H)L. Portal of Hungerford of Hungerford in the County of Berks – Charles Frederick Algernon Portal (died 22 April 1971, extinct(2) 29 Sep 1990) ("and in default of such issue with remainder to his eldest daughter Rosemary Ann Portal ... and the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten; and in default of such issue to every other daughter lawfully begotten of the said Sir Charles Frederick Algernon Portal successively in order of seniority of age and priority of birth and to the heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten") (Gazette 12 Oct 1945)
23 Aug 1946 (H)V. Mountbatten of Burma of Romsey in the County of Southampton – Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten (died 27 Aug 1979) ("and in default of such issue with remainder to his eldest daughter Patricia Edwina Victoria Mountbatten ... and the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten; and in default of such issue to every other daughter lawfully begotten of the said Lord Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten successively in order of seniority of age and priority of birth and to the heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten") (Gazette 27 Aug 1946)
18 Oct 1947 (P)E. Mountbatten of Burma (& L. Romsey of Romsey in the County of Southampton) – Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten (1st V. Mountbatten of Burma) (died 27 Aug 1979) ("and in default of such issue with remainder to his eldest daughter Patricia Edwina Victoria, Baroness Brabourne ... and the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten; and in default of such issue to every other daughter lawfully begotten of the said Lord Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, Viscount Mountbatten of Burma, successively in order of seniority of age and priority of birth and to the heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten") (Gazette 28 Oct 1947)
26 July 1958 (P)P. of Wales (& E. of Chester) – Charles Philip Arthur George (D. of Cornwall) (Gazette 29 July 1958)
25 July 1961 (X)L. Fairhaven of Anglesey Abbey in the County of Cambridge – Urban Huttleston Rogers Broughton (1st L. Fairhaven) (died 20 Aug 1966) ("and in default of such issue with remainder to his younger brother Henry Rogers Broughton (commonly called the Honourable Henry Rogers Broughton) and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten") (Gazette 25 July 1961)

Last updated: 21 January 2025.

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